pp108 : Process Monitoring Object Instances

Process Monitoring Object Instances

This topic describes the concept of drill down to Process Monitoring Object Instances on a dashboard.

The purpose of Process Monitoring Object Instances on a dashboard is to do problem analysis of a process, by drilling down to the information at the instance-level. Such analysis helps tracing the exact problem location.
The content of the Process Monitoring Object Instances is a set of attributes as defined on a Process Monitoring Object, using which a query is being built to measure an aspect of the process by creating a business measure and the instance related to the same.

For example:
Assume that the Process Monitoring Object created by you contains attributes OrderID, CustomerID, and ProductID for the 'Order-to-Cash process'. The Business Measure defined on this attributes is 'Count of Orders by ProductID' for Customer 'XYZ Inc.'. The Process Monitoring Object Instances would then list out the Order instances related to Customer 'XYZ inc.' as against the whole Instance view as being displayed in the Process Instance View.

Related concepts

Composing Dashboards
Drill-down between Composite Controls

Related tasks

Assigning Time-frame for Dashboard
Creating a Drilling down for Process Monitoring Object Instances
Creating Drill-down between Composite Controls